• App that manage and maximize Credit Card Rewards

    Plenty of people love using their credit card rewards points to take free flights around the world, but it’s not always easy to keep track of the various reward offers and spending minimums that accompany each card.

  • Left over medicine for redistribute/exchange

    These days lot of medicine is wasted as medical shops don’t accept returns if one or two tablets are used in the sheet. There can be way for donating such left over medicine either for exchange or donation. Medicine collected in this manner could even be distributed to poor.

  • Travel Companion for International Destinations

    We all have been there! At times, we have had problems/concerns where any of our family members travelled alone over long distance like UK/USA and we have no means to track their status and know if they have successfully checked into the next joining flight and/or reach the destination...

  • Finding Caterers for Large Scale Events

    Catering space in India is very segregated and diverse. People today generally give catering orders on the basis of word-of-mouth or depending on their past experiences and today most of the things related to catering ordering i.e. menu selection, status updates, transactions etc happen offline.

  • Affordable Designer Clothing

    The market for designer sarees is high and yet they are highly unaffordable. The cost of the product shoots up rocket high even for a simple georgette saree without any work on and and goes beyond imagination for the heavy work sarees, Making it very difficult for standard people...

  • Keeping up with News and Information

    I spend a lot of time listening to radio and music while doing in a parallel other activities like driving, jogging, hitting the gym etc. I don’t have enough time to “manually read” and consume critical content that I wish I could. More n more, people are also eager...

  • Surviving on a single monotonous food (pets)

    One evening, my brother had pizza home-delivered for dinner. There was something to satisfy everyone - pizza for him, pasta for me, some chocolate cake for our sister. Yet, the dinner wasn’t quite satisfying for everyone in the family. As we ate our dinner, one pair of eyes looked...

  • Getting Updates from Lawyers is a Manual Process

    There is no professional software which records any conversations between advocate and client. Currently clients faces huge difficulty in tracking case status. It becomes nightmare if there are other cases attached to the main case or if client has multiple cases running in court. Following are the main issues:...

  • Lot of Water Wasted From Taps

    Lot of water is wasted from the taps since the flow is too high and it is turned it on to the fullest extent. For ex: While brushing the teeth or while washing the face, not all the water coming from the tap is used.

  • Digital Literacy For Senior Citizens

    Nowadays young and middle age made their life easy by using tech products saying from paying bills to booking tickets and purchasing grocery, everything made easy through mobile apps. These inventions are very much in need for the elders who are really scared of the digital world. my idea...

  • Pollution inside home

    The increase in the pollution inside home is causing invincible health hazards to humans. These pollutants come through paints painted on the walls, refrigerators , closed rooms -where CO2 emission fills inside the rooms while sleeping . Effects of these pollutions are sulkiness , anger, headaches , irritation with...

  • Facts, In the Age of Social Media

    Social Media has helped everyone to become an opinion creator now. And the task that was once in the hands of responsible journalists who went through years of training to understand processes, and imbibing ethics of what is or isn’t to be is now in the hands of just...

  • Physical Activity Events for Senior Citizens

    Elders in India face difficulty in finding sports centers/ stadiums that cater to them. Most of the focus on coaching on Sports is on kids. Elderly people suffer from diseases such as diabetes / heart diseases etc. and would like to hve some fun-based physical activity with their peers...

  • Custom recommended furnitures for customers

    Finding the right furnitures for my room/home was a big pain in the ass, be it online or offline. We usually skim through hundreds of products on different online portals or with the numerous tiring rounds at the furniture stores, yet do not end up buying anything close to...

  • Managing Stress in everyday life

    In this high speed world, people often do not have time to look after themselves. We come across many things during the day which frustrate us, make us angry or sad, a few things we simply do not like at all. However, no one seems to have time to...

An Initiative by The Startup Centre