• Better way to save Receipts

    If you run a company or fall under the tax bracket where you have to be audited, During audit season is when you realize that half of the receipts that you have saved have faded away and you are sitting in the dark with a torch and trying to...

  • (re)training Engineering Graduates

    Statistics say that there are close to 250,000 engineering graduates that come out of Engineering colleges every year in India. Less than 16% of them are employable in the trade that they are trained in. While the reasons for the outcome are many, there is an opportunity to retrain...

  • Finding products at offline Stores.

    Even though most folks shop online, there is still a significant amount of shopping and commerce that is done offline. With people getting used to searching for products online, there is a need to address the same for offline products. Whether it is in looking for a specific product...

  • Managing Long term Loans

    When we take a loan, we do lot of research in terms of [a] Bank [b] The scheme [c] interest rate and lot of factors. We take the best loan during that period that suites us. Finance market is evolving very rapidly (interest rates keep changing , new schema...

  • Fashion Sense for the upcoming Professional

    Most men don’t know how to dress up. They dress quite shabbily. While the women do get a ton of sites and resources (including Cosmo) on fashion tips, there isn’t one that is aimed at men (with GQ being an exception). There are also a lot of up and...

  • Automated Patient Records for Doctor Clinics

    Most patients when they consult with the doctor want a doctor’s full attention. There is value in having a medical record and library of these records for the customer (and their families) long term well-being. Good doctors are very busy, and many do not really have the time (relative...

  • Setting up home-wide wifi is problematic

    The Wifi at home doesn’t reach all rooms. Since most houses in India (and emerging markets) are built with bricks and concrete, wifi signal doesn’t pass through – like it does in the west (via drywall). There have been plenty of “Plug and Play” solutions that have been promised,...

  • Caring for Parents who are in Hometowns

    One of the defining characteristic of emerging markets is that the upcoming generation has or is moving out of their native homes into cities. In hopes of a better future, the children are moving to cities or abroad to make their lives. How do we ensure that our parents...

  • Tracking warranty for purchases

    One problem I face a lot is tracking warranty/guarantee for purchases. I usually snap a pic onto evernote or some such app and hope to find it at a future point. And many places still require copy of bill to claim warranty. This is quite painful and maybe easily...

  • Teaching Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship is all the rage these days. However a lot of those who startup don’t have all basics covered when it comes to starting or running a business. An MBA is usually more on the management side, but simple things as attitude, hiring, finance, cashflow management etc are skills...

An Initiative by The Startup Centre