There is a report in the Washington post about what is happening globally. With rising income levels in emerging markets, there seems to be a strong correlation to getting air conditioners in homes. China which saw the largest growth in the last decade has more than 100% air conditioners...
The Wifi at home doesn’t reach all rooms. Since most houses in India (and emerging markets) are built with bricks and concrete, wifi signal doesn’t pass through – like it does in the west (via drywall). There have been plenty of “Plug and Play” solutions that have been promised,...
Making food involves lot of ingredients, Some of them are frequently used and some are not, Each one has an expiry date and edible products often come in a plastic packing which is then stored in containers after buying, so there is no way of knowing the expiry date...
These days, we always feel the burden of information overload which gets compounded because our lives are busy and when we need answers to very specific questions, we do not have time. Usually, we rely on google search and it takes us places and then we are again overloaded...