[Guide] Earning Karma Points
Ideaspace is a platform built around the system of merit. So the more engaged that you are, and the more you contribute in terms of knowledge, insights and resources, the more the platform gives back in terms of helping you validate opportunities, formulating solutions, forming teams and in building prototypes.
You earn karma points by engaging with relevant and insightful comments when it comes to problem statements. What does that mean? As a way of giving you better clarity, here are some ways that are guaranteed to win you karma (with upvotes):
Be Analytical
The problem statements are by design abstracted a layer above use cases, so that we can get to the root of the problem, rather than get stuck with a use case.
For eg, when we talk about friends being late on commitments, we frame the problem statement around punctuality and what is the root cause and fixing that (constructively or using a penalty mechanism), rather than posting a statement on why there isn’t an app for reminding a friend.
You can however add a layer of detail to this. Market research data regarding the various [1] segments of markets, [2] the size of the market, [3] the quantifiable value of solving the problem, and any [4] indication on trends (it is climbing up or a shrinking market) would all add tremendrous value to the conversation.
Tools You’ll need: Google, The relevant statistical reports around that market.
Share First-Person Stories
The context of the problem shared from different perspectives, helps us narrow down to what is common between each of these painpoints. Sometimes, you’ll notice that it isn’t what you thought was obvious with the first story that was shared, as a very different pattern emerges.
The key with sharing anecdotal evidence is to share your version of experiencing the problem in your own life, rather than supplementing a story that has already been shared - as it leads to confirmation bias and supplements what is already shared rather than complement with new data.
Tools You’ll need: Introspection to look at the problem objectively.
Share Observations
This is usually called qualitative research. It is not hardfound on data but is based on interviews and observation. If you like market research, or in one of the exploratory phases of another idea you might have bumped into the same kind of audience facing overlapping problems, you could share your research on what the insights were. The goal at this stage is to understand motivations, opinions, fears and aspirations of the target segment better and is usually a starting point for the analytical process to begin.
Tools You’ll need: Focus Group Discussions, Interviews & Observational skills