I face this problem running a business where we do have merchandise - be it t-shirts, or laptop stickers, or notebooks that we send to people. Right now, the deal is that, it takes up space in our office. Secondly, I realize that every time we have to courier...
Often when friends decide to do any activity in a group say meet for going for a run or meet for dinner etc, the normal thing that happens is someone calls everyone and alerts them. If there was an app that can add trusted friends (mutual) and setup alarms...
These days, we always feel the burden of information overload which gets compounded because our lives are busy and when we need answers to very specific questions, we do not have time. Usually, we rely on google search and it takes us places and then we are again overloaded...
Increasingly, musicians and performers are making money on live gigs. And the only way they can accomodate the demand is by taking up bigger and bigger avenues. While some of the developed countries have high-end stadiums that are acoustically sound, most spaces are acoustically rather horrible - with echoes...
Most of the landscape when it comes to communications has changed. The way enterprises work, the way consumers react etc - everything goes social these days. Government - or rather political parties - have caught on to social media to campaign, but yet have to use the tools appropriately...
Is there a simple, leave management software that isn’t complicated, but will allow small teams (startups) manage, earned leaves, paid leaves, holidays etc and with application requests? Most of the options out there - including those in the Google App store seem rather complicated and look like they are...
One of the most un-sexy problems in the world - Vendor Management. If you are in manufacturing etc, its a painful process to keep giving the same set of info over and over again. This happens if you are any sort of service provider to any other business. If...