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Problem #2: Fraudulent Resumes

Majority of the resumes that Companies in India Receive have fradulent Information. Human Resource departments, rarely, if at all have the time and the resources to validate most of these claims.


Problem Defined by Subbu Murugan, VentunoTech


Reader Comments (2)

This will be a very interesting problem to solve. The "fraud" is on various degrees: From Wrong (higher) grades to padded skill sets and achievements. The challenge is even bigger if the person does not have any web footprints, to enable auto validation to a certain extent. Perhaps the key lies in semi-automatic-validation.

March 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSouvik Roy

Following could be a solution
1. Create an online repository of all educational documents where people store their educational documents. It could be like a demat account
2. On demand authentication of these documents ( background verification)
3. Setup a common standard or draw a set of standards for certificates which universities and schools can follow to make verification easy
4. This can be useful for virtual universities
5. The same can be extended to employment related documents (e.g offer letters, relieving letters, experience certificates etc.

March 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRajeev
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